Goose Goose Duck Wiki

Spy Is a Duck factional role that has the unique ability to reveal someone's role to them if they are the only one to vote for them, similar to the Snitch. They can Vent, Kill, and sabotage normally overwise. The spy is good at identifying good targets to kill later, and can work well with The Assassin (See strategies)


If you identified the Falcon or Pelican, Kill them immediately, They are one of your biggest threats, being able to steal your win even if you gain a tie/majority over them. If someone claims Canadian/Celebrity, place a vote for them. Canadian/Celebrity claims tend to not get votes, so you're very likely to be the only voter, if they are not Canadian or Celebrity, you don't have to worry about killing them. If they are what they claim, and you have an assassin, you can wait until there are only 5 (2 ducks) or 7 (3 ducks) and tell the assassin to choose the player with the role you identified them as. This will work with any role you identified, but you should only do this if it will win you the game (No Pelican/Falcon, or they are the Pelican/Falcon). If your "Duck" buddy hasn't been killing or is accusing your allies, place a vote for them, if you are the only voter, you will know if they are Mimic or not.
